Episode 50: The Last Thanksgiving

This week’s contenders: Thanksgiving Dinner vs. Thanksgiving Leftovers, Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday, Teaming with a 7-foot Tall Turkey or 10 Pilgrims, Football vs. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, The First Thanksgiving vs. The Last Thanksgiving

Episode 45: Frostine and Me

This week’s contenders: Sandwiches vs. Casseroles, Gladiator Candyland vs. Gladiator Shoots and Ladders, Gangnam Style vs. Dragostea Din Tei, Tiny Rhino vs. Giant Armadillo, Grammar Nazis vs. Grammar Terrorists. 

Episode 44: Serf’s Up

This week’s contenders: Santa’s elves vs. Tolkien’s elves, Samurai vs English Knight, Parkour foot chases vs. Car chases, Grizzly Bear vs. Silverback Gorilla, Life narrated by Morgan Freeman vs. Lord of the Rings-esque soundtrack.

Episode 43: Just Moo It

This week’s contenders: Keanu Reeves vs. Taylor Lautner, COBRA Command (G.I. Joe) vs. Cobra Kai (Karate Kid), 5 years in a Zoo vs. 5 months in Prison. $1000000 to spend on Shoes or Cheese, Wearing an Eternal Aluminum Shirt vs. Talons for Hands.

Episode 42: The Wok of Shame

This week’s contenders: Bill Goldberg (The WCW) vs. Greg Goldberg (The Mighty Ducks), Chinese food vs. Mexican food, Being tossed into Hornets vs. Shot into Brick Walls, Being surrounded by semis vs. Being stuck in traffic.

Episode 40: The Düsseldown

This week’s contenders: Heelys vs. Rip-Sticks, Inception machine vs. Total Recall machine, Doritos Locos Taco vs. KFC Double Down, Conan O’Brien vs. Conan the Barbarian, Live Action Mighty Ducks vs. Animated TV show Mighty Ducks.

Episode 39: Mr. Tubbenstein

This week’s contenders: Traveling through time vs. traveling through space, Stranded with Napoleon Bonaparte vs. Napolean Dynamite, Biggest fairy vs. Smallest man, Only being able to shout vs. Only being able to whisper, Scooby vs. Snoopy.

Episode 36: Zears

This week’s contenders: Post-zombie apocalyptic city vs. countryside, Changing the world but having the credit stolen vs. Being a world-renown dumbo, TV & Movies or Video Games having never existed, Being an unknown deity vs. A worshipped mortal.


This week’s contenders: Summer Olympics vs. Winter Olympics, 1992 Dream Team vs. 1980 ‘Miracle on Ice’ team, Modern Olympics vs. Old School Greek Olympics, Being an Olympic coach vs. an Olympic athlete, and THE LATE GREAT OLYMPIC EVENT REVIVAL.


Episode 33: Freedom’s B-Day

This week’s contenders: Fireworks vs. Fires, Independence Day vs. The Patriot, Sparklers vs. Poppers, Bald Eagles vs. The Stars and Stripes, United States of America vs. Planet Earth, FOURTH OF JULY SPECTACULARTHON.

Episode 32: Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

This week’s contenders: Mariachi band vs. Bagpipe players, Hair slicked back (50’s greaser style) vs. Hair parted to the side (Richie Rich style), King of the Seas vs. King of the Trees, Coughing vs. Sneezing, Sleep talking vs. Snoring.

Episode 31: Dunks Over South Vietnam

This week’s contenders: Ring of Power vs. Horcrux, LBJ vs. LeBron James, Hats vs. Suspenders, Bagels + Cupcakes vs. Doughnuts + Muffins, Elephant trunk vs. Giraffe neck.